Saturday, March 27, 2010

Okay, so I was playing the demo to Just Cause 2, and I'm riding my motorcycle down the dirt highway toward the colonel. I'm shooting at the baddies intensely, using the little submachine gun to the fullest. As I'm bowing up cars that pop up next to me, I find that a helicopter is shooting at me with rockets and a gigantic Machine gun. I try to evade it for about ten minutes, but to no avail. It gains on me, I turn sharply off the road, then jump off of a plank of wood on a little stand to fly over a building, jump off, open my parachute, then latch on to the helicopter as it flies by.
Of course, I think, "Oh hey, that was pretty slick. I got this covered." So I shoot the guy on the side, and enter the helicopter by throwing the guy out inside. I fly around shooting enemies on the ground, then three helicopters fly up behind me and shoot me up a ton.
I try to fly away, but they blow up the helicopter just as I jump out and billow my parachute again. I fly down to the ground slowly while trying to grapple the enemy helicopters, but instead, I just land on the ground, then try to run away. By this point, my health is down to about 30%, but I keep trying to run. The helicopter shoot and shoot at me, but I attempt to dodge each time. I start frantically firing my grappling hook at the helicopters again, attempting to latch on and take one over, but my mashing buttons kind of messed up the aiming just a bit. The helicopters catch up to me, and I'm screaming at my friend, "I NEED BACKUP, I NEED FREAKING BACKUP!" But he just shakes his head menacingly as my character gets pelted by bullets, and in the end, dies by a rocket blast that shoots him up into the air, then gets chopped up by the helicopter blades.

The moral of this story is, bring backup.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

As the first post, I hereby make this blog a blog about the insanity!
Maybe I'm making this too big, but first I would like to introduce myself.
I'm young, well, maybe just young enough. I love to write, play games (don't we all), make music, draw, practice martial arts, whack my brother over the head with a polypropolene sword, fight off the demons outside of my house, kill the big badguy at the end of the adventure, laugh uncontrollably when I cause pain, make others wish they were dead, and generally just have fun. The main thing that you need to know, however, is that I'm insane.
I also live in a pretty insane place. People making drama for themselves and others, me attempting to make music, write, and have friends whilst in this drama makes me a very tired youngin'. I know this might sound like a very adolescent teenage angst rant, but for the most part it's true. I do not like said drama, nor do I like to associate in it, but it finds me.
I'm also a nerd, playing video games for five hours any day I don't have my classes, and watching anime or TV for the rest of it. No, I am not a slug (my mother always says I am), I do practice my martial arts when possible, and try to practice my swordsmanship as well. As nerdly as I am, I do have a certain sense of pride when it comes to these things.

A while ago, I was on my computer (as always) when I noticed someone outside in my very thin backyard. I saw this guy, as thin as a stick, twirling aorund and making ridiculous looking swings and strikes with a polypropolene bokken (sword). He was swinging it around almost like the star wars kid if you know what I mean, and made himself look extremely stupid.
To my utter horror, I noticed this man to be my eighteen year old brother trying to be a samurai. I saw him do one more strike, lunging in the air at some unseen foe, and landing on his face.
I do admit that this was pretty hilarious, but it was probably just me. He picked himself up, looking extremely furious at somethi- oh, here he comes!

Let the stick be, for the dogs shall take it.